STATUTS -MompreneursTicino Association.

Art.1 Name, form and location

In accordance with Art. 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code, an association called MompreneursTicino” is established with headquarters in Lugano. The association is apolitical and non-denominational.

Art. 2 Aim and purpose

The association’s purpose is to:

Facilitate the start-up of professional businesses in Ticino run by talented moms by quickly and correctly reporting on the services available to new businesswomen Organize activities that allow members to meet, discuss, compare and exchange advice and opinions

Offer mentoring programs for newwomen entrepreneurs

Provide useful tools for professional and personal growth by organizing workshops and conferences

Fostering synergies and collaborations within the group

Enhance the search for work-life balance solutions Raise awareness regarding social issues relevant to the category corne parental and professional burnout

Stimulating female entrepreneurship in Ticino

Improvingthe personal and professionalstatusof mompreneurs in Ticino The association does not pursue commercial purposes or the making of a profit.

Art. 3 Membership: categories, eligibilityione, resignationissions

The association has active members and supporting members.

Active members are all individuals who support the purposes of the association and subscribe to its founding principles. They pay an annual fee set by the General Assembly and make use of the association’s offerings and facilities. They are eligible and have the right to vote.

An individual may> become an active member if he or she meets the following conditions:

  1. Is a mother (or pregnant) of one or more child(ren) of any age
  2. She is self-employed* in Ticino or close to starting her own self-employment business
  3. Commitsto make his or her skills available for one day per year to the association iftheassociation requests it

*With the term Self-employedwoman is defined as one who has started awork activity per count own presses individual companies, general partnership, limited partnerships and informal companies (of which are the owners) or those who are wage earners in their own company, i.e., employed persons who hold amajorportion of the capital of a corporation (SA) or a limited liability company (SAGL) in which they carry out their main gainful activity and receive a salary regulated by an employment contract.

The activity inquestionmay> or may not be registered with the traderegistry, and theactivitymay> be carried out in parallel with a corne employee job.

ln a nutshell, she is considered an independent worker or entrepreneur who is her own boss and knows the daily challenges and joys ofentrepreneurship.

Supporting members are natural or legal persons (private companies, public collectivities, associations, or others) who support the purposes of the association and wish to contribute to its attainment, notably by granting it financial support or otherwise giving it visibility through their activities. They are ineligible and have no voting rights. They independently determine the amount of the contribution they wish to make to the association.

At the proposal of the Committee, the Members’ Meeting may grant honorary membership status to persons who have done particularly significant work on behalf of the association.

Applications for membership should be submitted by online form to the committee, which decides on admission.

Membership is tacitly maintained from year to year (365 days) and is lost in the case of

  1. Resignation in writing (including e-mail) no later than 30 days before the end of the calendar year in any case the current year’s fee remains fully due.
  2. Exclusion (art.4)
  3. Death or, for legal entities, dissolution

Art. 4 Exclusion of a member

A member may be excluded from membership at any time because of:

Failure to pay social contribution despite reminder Behavior contrary to the purposes of the association

Attempts to ostentatiously sell its products/services and other reasons deemed valid by the Committee

The Committee decrees exclusion; the member has the right to submit the exclusion decision to the General Membership Meeting.

Art. 5 Financial means

For the pursuit of its purposes, the association has the following means: dues from active members

contributions from supporting members donations and grants of any kind

contributions from the state, public institutions and bodies, national bodies sponsorship and support from private individuals

Income from promotional initiatives aimed at its own financing

Art. 6 Organs of the association

The organs of the association are:

  1. the General Assembly
  2. the Committee
  3. the auditor’s office

Art. 7 The General Assembly

The supreme body of the association is the General Assembly and consists of theactivemembers. 1supporting members may participate but have no voting rights and are not eligible.

A regulargeneralmeeting is called annually in February by the committee. 1 members are called to the meeting by regular mail or electronic mail with 20 days’ notice, with the agenda attached. The documents are made available to members whorequest themten days before the meeting.

Petitions for the attention of the General Assembly should be submitted inwritingto the Committee enters 1O

days from the date of the meeting.

The Committee or 1/4 of the members may at any time call for an Extraordinary Members’ Meeting, stating the purpose of the meeting. The meeting must take place enters 4 weeks after receipt of the request.

The General Assembly is the supreme body of the association. It has the following inalienableduties and powers:

  1. Approval of the minutes of the previous general meeting
  2. Approval of the annual report
  3. Acceptance of the audit report and appraisal of the annual statement of accounts
  4. Approval of the annual budget
  5. Discharge to the Committee

  1. Election of the chairperson and other members of the committee, as well as theauditing body
  2. Determination of dues for active members
  3. Ratification on the membership of new members admitted by the Committee.
  4. Decision on exclusion ofmembers
  5. Adoption and amendment of bylaws
  6. Resolution regarding affiliation with aitre institutions,bodiesor associations
  7. Resolution On the motions of the Committee and the membership
  8. Resolution on the dissolution of the association and the use of the proceeds of the liquidationione
  9. Position statement on the other subjects presented in theagenda agenda

Each duly convened General Assembly has the power to make decisions, regardless of the number of members present. Decisions are made by asimple majorityof the votes cast by the members present; abstentions and invalid votes are not counted. lnthe case of a tie vote, the chairperson’s vote decides.

Amendment of the bylaws requires approval by a 2/3 majority of votes cast.

Meetings are conducted by the chair or, in her absence, by a committee member or chair of the day. Decisions made must be recorded in the minutes. A record of decisions issufficient.

Art. 8 The Committee

The Committee consists of 4 to 7 members, elected for a two-year term, renewable. The offices (at least one chairperson, one vice-chairperson, one treasurer and one secretary) are freely assignedwithinthe Committee, may be changed annually and reported to the General Assembly. Thecommitteeconstitutes itself and meets whenever business.

Of theassociation demand it. If no member of the Committee requests oral advice, decisions made by circulation of records (including e-mail) are valid.

The Committee executes and implements the decisions of the General Assembly, directs the association, and takes all measures to ensure that the association’s intended purpose is achieved. The Committee deliberates on everything not expressly reserved for the Assembly.

For the purpose of achieving the purposes of the association, the committee may hire or employ and, where provided, dismiss third persane (employees or volunteers). May entrust any person from the association or outside it with a time-limited mandate upon appropriate compensation.

Other duties and responsibilities of the Committee:

Represent the association externally Define the general policy of the association

Perform all duties necessary to carry out the purposes of the association Ensure the correct operation of the association, enforcement of the bylaws, establishment of regulations, and maintenance of accounts

Make a decision on the admission and discharge of members as well as their possible exclusion

Convene and prepare for regular and special general meetings

Execute the decisions made by the General Assembly

Ensure the recruitment of the persane necessary to carry out the association’s activities

Art. 9 The Audit Office

The Audit Office audits the financial management of the association and submits a report to the General Assembly. Bells of at least 1 auditor appointed by the General Assembly.

The term of office ends with the approval of the last annual count and re-election is permitted.

Art.10 Signature right

The association is bound by the collective signature of the chairperson with another member of the Executive Board.

Art.11 Responsibilities of members

Only the assets of the association are liable for the debts of the association. Personal liability of members is excluded.

Art.12 Dissolution of the association

Dissolution of the association may be pronounced by a decision taken at an ordinary or extraordinary general meeting and by a 2/3 majority of the members present.

Upon dissolution of the association, the assets of the association go to a tax-exempt organization pursuing the same or similar purposes. Distributionof assets among members is excluded.

Art.13 Effective Date

These bylaws were accepted at the constituent assembly on June 6, 2023 and came into effect on that date.

Lugano, June 6, 2023

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